Dabpress DP-RP33 3x3" Anodized Rosin Plate Kit - Setup and Post Squish Review

Dabpress DP-RP33 3x3" Anodized Rosin Plate Kit - Setup and Post Squish Review
Review On Amazon Store
"I really like how this was packaged. The rosin kit came to me in the Amazon box, this kit was inside its own box along with my other purchases. The packaging inside was foam and very tightly packaged. I took the kit out of the box and moved it to my press. It took about 15 minutes to figure out how to get everything set up. The hardest part was installing the rods and tightening it to the press. I turned it on and saw that it was set at 260F so I changed it to 210F and let it warm up for 30 minutes. The temperature was stable, so I decided to do a press. I did a squish of 1/4 and got very nice returns, 20% Most of the oil squished out from the plates onto parchment. I would for sure recommend this kit if you are looking for a rosin press kit that doesn't need a very strong press or take up much space. Great product! I am looking forward to squishing more."
How to setup dp-rp33 before starting to press - Fellow Psychonaut SevenTen
7g Nug Run - Scout's Honor - 120s @ 210F - Dabpress DP-RP33 Plate Kit - Fellow Psychonaut SevenTen
Caged Press Plates Kits
3x5" Heated Platens | dp-rp35s | 10-12 ton h-frame hydraulic press recommended
3x7" Heated Platens | dp-rp37 | 12-20 ton h-frame hydraulic press recommended
5.5x7" Heated Platens | dp-rp557 | 20-30 ton h-frame hydraulic press recommended
Uncaged Press Plates Kits
3x3" Heated Platens | dp-rp33 | 6-ton a-frame hydraulic press recommended
3x5" Heated Platens | dp-rp35 | 12-20 ton hydraulic press recommended
4x7" Heated Platens | dp-rp47 | 12-20 ton hydraulic press recommended